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We Care House is financially supported  by charitable contributions, fund raisers and client fees.  We Care House does not receive any State or Federal funding nor does it accept health insurance.


The house is not run by counselors or a medical staff but a group of women who themselves have recovered from the insidious disease of alcoholism.  The staff at We Care truly does care and understand the isolation and fear that women feel like no one else can.  

To continue our work, however, we need your help.  All donations are tax deductible.


If you wish to help, please send your donations to:


We Care Foundation
2216 S. Sixth St.
Las Vegas, NV. 89104

or pay by 
PayPal by clicking the button below​

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

value and quality care-for women, by women.




The House is Open Daily for Appointments

​8:00 am - 5:00 pm


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